We are lucky to have many subject matter experts on our team who participate in industry-leading speaking engagements.
Our Director of Investment Research, Alex Bates, CFA®, CAIA®, spoke in the “Tracking the Smart Money: Family Office CIO/CEO Roundtable,” a discussion about where they think the “smart money” is being invested and the best strategies for investors.
Our General Counsel, Mike Bartolacci, JD, spoke on “The Effective Use of Experts in Trust and Estate Litigation” as part of the Missouri Bar’s Annual Probate, Trust and Elder Law Institute, where attendees reviewed the practical aspects of selecting, preparing and presenting testimony from expert witnesses in litigation matters involving trust and estate issues, including capacity/undue influence, breach of duty, and investment matters. He also spoke on “Fiduciary Issues in Powers of Attorney” for the Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis’s Fiduciary Litigation Seminar.
Jen Sanwald, JD, TEP, spoke for the Missouri Bar’s Annual Probate, Trust and Elder Law Institute, helping attendees navigate trust distribution language to identify the fiduciary obligations of and legal standards for corporate trustees in interpreting trust distribution language, as well as with understanding the potential consequences of vague or imprecise standards.
Our President, John Jennings, spoke for several organizations as part of his book promotion: the Nantucket Yacht Club, TIGER 21 in New York City, the Institute for Private Investors Conference in Washington, D.C., the Young President’s Organization (YPO) Investment Management Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, Private Wealth Management Summit sponsored by marcusevans Group (Keynote), the Young President’s Organization (YPO) Family Office Symposium in Miami, and the Mercer Panel in St. Louis.